Literary afternoon at Latvian House with Andra Putnis, author of “Stories my Grandmothers Didn’t Tell Me”

Melburnas Latviešu biedrība aicina uz Literāro pēcpusdienu un MLB 75 darbības gadu atzīmēšanu

š.g. 21. septembrī plkst. 14.00 Melburnas Latviešu nama Mazājā zālē

Piedalās rakstniece Andra Putnis (grāmatas Stories My Grandmothers Didn’t Tell Me autore) un māksliniece Natālija Neiburga.

Kopīgi baudīsim svētku kliņģeri un šampanieti! Gaidīsim visus interesentus. Ieeja $15, skolēneim brīva.

Melbourne Latvian Society invites you to a Literary Afternoon and the MLB 75th Anniversary Celebration on 21 September at 14.00 in the Small Hall of the Melbourne Latvian House.

Participants: writer Andra Putnis (author of Stories My Grandmothers Didn’t Tell Me) and ceramic artist Natālija Neiburga.

Let’s enjoy a festive kliņģeris and champagne together! All are welcome. Admission $15, free for students.

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